How Phishing Scams Have Evolved in 2023

Dec 29, 2023

 Phishing scams have been around for many years, and they continue to be a significant threat to individuals and businesses. In 2023, phishing scams have evolved significantly, becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Attackers are using new tactics and techniques to deceive users and steal sensitive information. This article explores how phishing scams have evolved in 2023, and what you can do to protect yourself.

 Phishing Scams in 2023



 Smishing is a new form of phishing that targets users through text messages. Attackers send SMS messages containing links that direct users to fake websites.

How to spot phishing and stay secure

These websites are designed to steal personal information, such as login credentials and credit card details. Smishing attacks are hard to detect, as they appear to come from legitimate sources. Users should be cautious of any unexpected text messages containing links and should avoid clicking on them.


 Vishing is another new form of phishing that targets users through phone calls. Attackers pretend to be representatives of reputable companies and ask users to provide personal information, such as passwords and bank account details. Vishing attacks are challenging to detect, as the attackers sound professional and convincing. Users should be cautious of any unexpected phone calls asking for personal information and should avoid providing such information over the phone.

 Spear Phishing

 Spear phishing is a type of targeted phishing attack that aims to steal sensitive information from a specific individual or organization. Attackers use social engineering techniques to gather information about their target, such as their interests and work history. They then create a phishing email or website that appears to be from a trusted source, such as a colleague or a supplier. Spear phishing attacks are hard to detect, as they are personalized and often appear to be legitimate. Users should be cautious of any unexpected emails or links and should verify the sender’s identity before clicking on them.

 Business Email Compromise

 Business email compromise (BEC) is a form of spear phishing that targets businesses. Attackers pretend to be high-level executives, such as the CEO or CFO, and request that employees transfer funds or provide sensitive information. BEC attacks are sophisticated and often involve multiple steps. They can result in significant financial losses for businesses. Companies should implement strict policies for fund transfers and educate employees on how to detect BEC attacks.

 Protecting Yourself from Phishing Scams

To protect yourself from phishing scams, there are several things you can do:

  • Be cautious of any unexpected emails, texts, or phone calls asking for personal information.
  • Do not click on links or download attachments from unknown sources.
  • Verify the sender’s identity before providing any personal information.
  • Use two-factor authentication for online accounts.
  • Keep your software up-to-date to prevent vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.
  • Educate yourself and your employees on how to detect and prevent phishing attacks.

 Learn The Foundation and Principles of Cybersecurity

   Phishing scams have evolved significantly in 2023, becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Attackers are using new tactics and techniques to deceive users and steal sensitive information. Users and businesses must remain vigilant and take steps to protect themselves from these attacks.

 Cyber Inspired offers a comprehensive cyber security course that can help you protect yourself and your business from phishing attacks. Our course covers topics such as password management, email security, and social engineering. We also provide practical tips and tools to help you detect and prevent phishing scams. Enroll in our course today and start building your cyber security skills.

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